Program & Replays
Outside IN! Meeting Addictive and Compulsive Behaviors with Awareness and Kindness
Much of the world is in a storm right now, and many of us are in different boats. How do people with addictive and compulsive behaviours ride the storm? How do people with anxiety trauma from being enclosed spaces as a young person, from living with the unpredictable as a young child, ride the waves of these explicitly uncertain times?
In This Session:
- How Mindfulness can help us live calmly during explicit uncertain times
- Become of aware of how we are making the current conditions ten-fold worse with our stinking thinking
- How addictive and compulsive behaviours have been impacted by the pandemic
Note: The 5 Precepts mentioned in the video are: I undertake to abstain from taking life, I undertake to abstain from taking the not-given, I undertake to abstain from sexual misconduct, I undertake to abstain from false speech, and I undertake to abstain from taking intoxicants. More information about the 5 Precepts may be found online.
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UPGRADE HEREValerie "Vimalasara" Mason-John
Dr. Valerie (Vimalasara) Mason-John MA (hon. DR), is an award-winning author of nine books, including Eight Step Recovery Using The Buddha's Teachings to Overcome Addiction. She is a TEDx speaker, the co-founder of the 8 Step Recovery peer-led community, and the chairperson of the Vancouver Buddhist Centre. She is also co-founder of the accredited 8-week course, Mindfulness-Based Addiction Recovery (MBAR), and is developing a mindfulness-based course specifically for people of color. She is an international speaker on mindfulness approaches for addiction and trauma, and offers training in the fields of leadership, anti-bullying, restorative justice, mindfulness and addiction, and kindness. She is the President of the Buddhist Recovery Network, and works as a senior facilitator and practitioner/therapist in Compassionate Inquiry, as taught by Dr. Gabor Mate.