Program & Replays
Heart Fluency: Nourished mindfulness for unconditional emotional healing & joy
It’s never what’s happening. It’s always your relationship to your experience that determines your well-being and happiness. Heart Fluency makes an unconditionally healing relationship obvious and embodied by connecting your mindful attention to fundamental and unlimited nourishing qualities you already have. Discover why Bruce Pardoe can make the radical claim that any trauma, anxiety, emotional wound or harmful belief is a gift waiting to be integrated to reveal your joyful, awakened nature.
In This Session:
- One simple method to heal any anxiety, trauma or emotional wound in a radically gentle, joyous way that you will practice experientially
- An experience of your awakened nature and how to access it in any moment in an embodied and obvious manner
- The science behind the practice including: polyvagal theory and neuroplasticity as well as a clear understanding of how trauma and emotional wounds form at the neurological and somatic levels and how to regulate overwhelming neural intensity
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Bruce Pardoe's personal healing journey with complex trauma led to him develop the radically gentle Heart Fluency method for engaging emotional wounds and afflictive patterns as portals to our essential well-being and happiness. Heart Fluency combines neuroscince and the unconditional nourishment of a healing awareness in an uplifting, heart-centered approach.
For more than 40 years Bruce has been navigating and facilitating the path of inner healing. After spending over two years on silent retreat he became a meditation teacher in the Vipassana tradition of Buddhism. He has completed Spirit Rock’s Meditation Center's 2 year Community Dharma Leader training and has studied extensively in Asia in the traditions of Tibetan Buddhism and Advaita. Bruce has also trained in Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement and Hakomi's body-centered psychotherapy.
In 2007 Bruce began developing and sharing Heart Fluency. Through trainings, workshops and sessions, he has helped hundreds of clients fully heal and integrate their deepest psychological and emotional challenges. Emphasizing gentleness, freshness and joy, Heart Fluency connects practitioners in an obvious, embodied manner to the ever present nourishing qualities of awareness itself. This creates a profoundly resilient orientation to life revealing bliss and peace.